Actors: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cottilard, Morgan Freeman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Director: Christopher Nolan
Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned or revenge is a dish served painfully slow and cold. That in a nutshell can summarise this cinematic even.
So far the biggest cinematic anticipation of 2012 by all means. The cinema was almost sold out despite being the earliest screening of the day. That is a good sign and this film did not disappoint. Even though it is close to three hours long it flew by and was well presented. A good balance of stunning action scenes, philosophical questions, emotions and parallels to modern day society.
Batman is buried and have disappeared from a peaceful city. Bruce Wayne is the recluse billionaire who is living in an emotional void and have retired from as it seems life itself. He lives in his massive mansion and his only interaction is with his butler who is wonderfully played by Michael Caine.
Dark times are lurking and building up. Soon enough Bruce Wayne is waking up to again protect Gotham City and its inhabitants. A rather good parallel to what a civilised society is. What do we want to protect? What is the rule of law? Do we want complete freedom which as it is showed here equates to anarchy and summary rule of the mob. A pardon is the same as the alternative the death sentence.
Batman takes more than one battering and true to the original he is seriously wounded and again almost killed. Ironically even though he eventually saves Gotham City (The world) he is saved by Selina.
So many philosophical themes is put together and if this was not a shameless action movie it would feel rather preposterous. This is not the kind of film to read to much into these matters and one should simply enjoy its magnificence. Not many good action films are made these days so relish in this one.
The twist is the villain. It is not the muscles this time even if it is the muscles that almost break Batman in an epic fight that will put him into his hell hole. One must suppose that the director have had influence from the classics and inspired by Dante. However since Batman eventually manage to save the day he manages to literally climb his way out of his Inferno. The real villain puts true the saying that one should keep ones enemy closest. Batman is betrayed by what seems to be a supporter. She is seeking revenge from wrongdoings to her mother so you can see how Freudian it is.
One should not pay too much attention to all of this. If one did the film actually do not make sense and would fail miserably. However the film is so well directed despite its flaws in story that it is a joy to watch and enjoy. Even the ending is ok and slightly nauseating. However it is on knifes edge and Batman finally saves Gotham and all is returned to normal. The only worrying aspect is the final ending. Is the Director building up to another sequel? It certainly looks that way. For a moment one wonders have Batman perished in order to save Gotham? Of course not. After a mock funeral all is revealed and even Robin is identified and is brought to the Batcave. Only time will tell if there will be a follow up and if it can pull it all off......
Overall this is a return to very good action with good and bad guys. Despite flaws this cinema experience is fantastic and on so many levels flawless. Please enjoy..
Rating: 4 out of 5